Alex Farnham Garage is an insurance approved repairer specialising in panel beating & spray painting, commercial vehicle body repairs and light industrial spray painting, handling insurance claims for all major insurance companies
Our qualified staff has a lo of experience as panel beaters and spray painters, ensuring all of our repairs are carried out to the highest standard, with attention to detail and meet the manufacturer’s specifications reaching industry standards and our own impeccable standards. From the smallest dent to accident crash repairs and chassis straightening, our staff have the knowledge and experience to return your vehicle to it’s former glory.
Our newly installed, commercial spray booth with adjoining mixing room and state of the art equipment allow us to repair and paint even the largest objects including industrial machinery and equipment, commercial vehicles and boats as well as four wheel drives and cars in a clean, environmentally friendly booth.
Our business approach is unprecedented as we believe that word of mouth is our best advert which can only be achieved through honesty, integrity, exceptional customer service and by offering genuine value for money. We offer free quotes for insurance or private repairs
About us